Friday, April 06, 2012

Why the new Sun religion

This is going to be difficult to explain but I will try to accomplish the task.

Let me start when I was a boy of 14 years of age. I was a catholic. The young priest in my parish--Saint Joseph's in Fall River Massachusetts--he cursed me. The priest cursed me. He performed a ritual and everything, the evil eye. the religious vestments, the situation where it occured, the whole religions thing. It was a relgious curse, an ecclesiastical curse. I didn't understand it at the time.

So after the ritual of the curse was performed for me to see that I was being cursed. It put me on notice, even though I didn't understand what it meant. People started following me. It was people that the mad bastard priest who cursed me--he sent people from the catholic church to follow me.

Those catholic pervert bastards followed me, upset my social meetings with young girls and they slandered me. They followed me and turned people against me.

It was gang stalking in the 1950's when the word gang stalking wasn't in use.

Also, occasionally I would become very fatigued, and when I would relieve myself my urine would be dark. The reason was; I was being drugged. I didn't figure this out until years and years later. Those bastards were drugging me. Bastard bunch of religious gang stalkers.

That's how those bastards operated: stalking, slander, social disruptions and covert druggings. They are the pervert bastards from the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

I tell you this because it relates to the new Sun religion. Just as Jesus Christ was followed, slandered and trouble was made for Him by the Jew clergy; I was followed, slandered and trouble was made for me by the Catholic clergy. After Jesus died the new Christianity relgion started. And I believe after I die the new Sun religion will begin. (of course I practice it now)

So I want to you see the similarities.

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