A trouble maker approached me in the school yard and said to me, "Why don't you go over there and introduce yourself to the new boy. He's from you home town."
"No he's not. He's from New Bedford."
"Well why don't you go over there and say hello just to make him feel welcome."
I looked to where the new boy stood. He had been talking to some boys but was now by himself. I walked over to introduce myself, "Hello. I hear you are from New Bedford.
"So." he says curtly.
"I'm from Fall River." I tell him.
He turns his back to me and doesn't say another word. It's a total snub. Well screw him. I try to be nice. I say hello. I try to make him feel welcome and he snubs me. Not even a hello, how are you. Nothing!
But that's the kind of person he was. He was about my age, and quite handsome, and he was a sharp dresser. He wore good clothes. and his family had some money, from what I learned his family operated DeMello's Furniture Store in New Bedford Massachusetts. They had a nice car, a Caddy Coupe DeVille. But this new boy was an oddball. He was cold and standoffish. Some boys would give him the nickname "Daddy Cool", but his given name was John DeMello.
At that time I couldn't understand his cool to my receptive greeting. Many years later I would try to peg it as he being a queer. An unhappy queer at that. It was like he was pissed at the whole world for he being a queer. Perhaps his queer boyfriend was now alone as was he and locked up on one acre of land at some private catholic school in Rhode Island miles and miles away. Maybe that was why he was so pissed off.
But fast forward one year:
One year later in Fall River, It's early autumn, in the afternoon, it's the month end and I'm out of school for the weekend. I'm cruising North Main Street in my father's car, a 55' Olds. I have the windows rolled down and the radio playing. It's a beautiful day. I see a girl I hadn't seen in years. It's Estelle. I had know her through Alan and Alan's girlfriend. Four or so years ago this girl had taken a liking to me so I'm thinking my luck is good. She is walking alone.
I quickly drive down the street a way, make a U-turn and head back the other way and slowly motor up next to Estelle who is walking along on the sidewalk.
Motoring along at almost a crawl I say to her, "Hi Estell. What's doing?"
"I'm getting married!" she yells back at me. It's almost angrily she yelled, loud, angry like with nothing more to say.
Hey cool it. I just said hi. No need to get upset. So my luck wasn't as good as I had thought and I left Stell where I had seen her.
But the conversation was picked up by one of my stalkers who was standing right nearby and those words would be replayed to me verbatim. It went like this ...
It was a month or so later, just like it was yesterday. I'm out in the schoolyard. Word has it that Daddy Cool, aka John DeMello is leaving school. I'm curious to where he's going , so I approach him the the yard. I hadn't spoken to him in over a year, from that time he snubbed me. I'm a little cautious I approach him and say, "I hear you're leaving school."
"I'm getting married!" DeMello yells at me.
It's a replay. Estelle yells at me, DeMello yells at me, both saying the same words, both saying it with the same inflection, both the same. It's a double.
I'm the mark. The message is from the church. The message is from the priest. It's from the catholic network. The message is: We are fucking with you. You are being stalked. We are following you. We will fuck up your social contacts one way or another. We will sensitize you. We are sensitizing you. We are fixating the Curse in your mind. We are the bastards of Jesus. We are doing this in the Name of Jesus. We are omnipotent, as the Pope is infallible. You will pay for your transgression against the priest. Our priest, our saintly one, the one who comes in the Name of Jesus. Damn You. You are to be damned by us, the Church.
I want the reader to understand the catholic connection and how it works in society. The trouble they created for me.
That day when I saw Estelle I was being stalked by a catholic bastard. He was a middle aged man. From him to the catholic boy in the schoolyard, my overheard conversation with the girl was relayed.
What John DeMello didn't tell me was he was entering the religious life. John DeMello was going into a seminary and study to become a priest. He was not getting married. He was going to become a priest, so he was just doing the work of the Church. But the Church was using Gangstalking methods used by the Stasi in Eastern Europe, methods that are now becoming more widespread. In Gangstalking 'sensitizing' the target is practiced, as is 'street theater' both incorporated by the stalkers and used against me, as organized by the Church and with the help of John DeMello and people like him.
The closest thing to John DeMello getting married would be a mind fuck of the Blessed Virgin. But no, the queer was going to enter a seminary and become a priest. And years later he would still be fucking with me. For in the years to come, he would become one of my stalkers out in the public, not a participant here in the schoolyard of Mount Saint Charles..
I want people to know how this little pervert would be in the mainstream, in the public perverting my life. So there is the bastard catholic connection. Bastard priest who cursed me, bastard stalker for the priest and now a new enlistee bastard, Daddy Cool, aka John DeMello, queer, soon to be fag priest.
That is how the catholic connection works and it is supported by the many religious organizations within the church. Religious clerical organizations and lay organizations; I would hazard a guess from the Knights of Columbus, to the Jesuits, Knights Templar, Benedictines, Franciscans and there are many many organizations within the church and they support each other.
John DeMello was to become a priest would continue to fuck into my life for many years to come and would get into my family relationships to get at me. He would get bad information on my sister and use that information to spoil the relationship between her and me, sister and brother. A priest spoiling a relationship between blood brother and blood sister. Spoiling a relationship within a family. That's how those bastards work.
I have firsthand information on the starting of the new Sun Religion. And I will leave the older information dealing with my life; such as... A catholic priest cursed me when I was a young boy. I will attempt to explain how it perverted my life. It is for others to know how the catholic clergy use the power and organization of the church to implement a curse. It is information that is not much known.
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