I am going to offer you "Center Stage".
The attainment of "Center Stage" can be gotten in various ways. One way to gain "Center Stage" is through paranormal channels. It could also be called "spiritual phenomena". This is how I will offer you "Center Stage".
First, a few explanations. When I was a young boy I was cursed by a catholic priest. Just as there was a ritual performed against me, conversely, there are two exercises to perform against the mass of the church. For anyone who successfully completes either exercise, you will have the reward of "Center Stage".
There are some requirements and suggestions. First, you are to be a heterosexual, you should be eighteen years of age or older, and you should be living independently. Later I will explain the reasons for some of the requirements.
Exercise #1
You are to enter a catholic church. Don't dip your fingers in the holy water at the entrance to the church and while you are inside do not have any water touch you.
During the "offertory" of the mass you are to open your mouth and stick out your tongue, and make your tongue touch your chin. During the "communion" of the mass you are to duplicate the above mentioned pose.
That is the first exercise. The pose is reminiscent of a man condemned to hell. He is looking up from the depths of hell longing for some water, but none is to be given him. Not one drop of water is to touch him.
The "offertory" of the mass can be identified when the priest elevates the bread chip. He takes the bread chip in hands and lifts it above his head for all to see. Meanwhile one of the attendants takes a small bell and rings it three times. The priest then takes a gold cup in his hands and elevates it above his head for all to see. Meanwhile the attendant again rings the small bell three times again. That identifies the "offertory" of the mass.
The "communion" of the mass can be identified when the priest distributes bread chips for the people in the church. The people leave their seats/pews and go to the altar area to receive a bread chip.
Requirement: You are not to receive the communion bread (bread chip) or wine.
The Reward
You will be offered "Center Stage". That is the reward. It could be in a theater, on film, television, in an auditorium, at a luncheon. It could be anywhere, anytime; you will be offered "Center Stage".
Here's a good example of "Center Stage": Alfred Hitchcock movies ... Mr. Hitchcock would have a cameo role for himself in his movies and it became quite vogue to identify him whenever he would appear on screen. He had "Center Stage" at that time which was usually less than a minute in duration.
When "Center Stage" is offered or forced upon you, there is no pick and choose. You are to take what is offered. It has been said that everyone is allotted fifteen minutes of fame, so don't be dismayed if the reward is only for a moment or so.
You don't believe you have received the first reward. Carefully review the past months. Remember, you were to have the center. If you still believe you haven't received the reward there is no need to go any further. If your are satisfied with the resulting "Center Stage", there is a second exercise you may do with a similar reward. Scroll down the page to "How to attain Center Stage Exercise: #2"
Wednesday, October 10, 2001
Exercise #1 Some Explanations
I've posted three items that relate to the exercises. They are 'The Man in Hell', 'The Blood of Jesus' and 'Let Them Eat Cake'. And I wish to comment on the requirement of heterosexuals only.
Heterosexuals only comes about because when the priest in the catholic church cursed me and sent people to stalk me, harass me and cause me trouble, those people were from the church and were composed basically of gay men, homosexuals from within the church and the church clergy. Conversely in my exercise against them the opposite applies. That is, heterosexuals are to enter their church to do the exercise.
I will now bring up a new subject: spiritual phenomena. It is something that is misunderstood. Something that is not very definite or defined and difficult to ascertain. But I will try.
There is a saying 'What goes around comes around.' That sometimes has to do with spiritual phenomena. It means if you do something bad, something bad will happen to you; or, another way, if you do something good, something good will happen to you. Why spiritual phenomena is misunderstood is mainly because of the 'time' element. The cause and effect can take place quickly, say a matter of days or perhaps weeks, but; it could also take place very slowly, in a matter of months or even years. By that time, the cause and effect seem unrelated, but it is not. Spiritual phenomena is not constrained by the time element.
In some religions there are prayers to say, fasting, meditation and works that one may do. It is those actions that a person does, and then hopes for a favorable result. Usually the person is seeking spiritual help. Help from God, help from a dead saint maybe or some other spiritual entity. When the result of the prayers or fasting or sacrifice happens, it usually happens via spiritual phenomena.
Now I am going to offer you an opportunity that encompasses spiritual phenomena. There are two exercises - you may call them works or actions - that you may choose to do. Each exercise will bring about a result of spiritual phenomena. And that resulting spiritual phenomena will be in the form of a reward which is "Center Stage".
In Exercise #1 the pose is that of "The Man in Hell' you are exemplifying the 'Man in Hell'. And because the 'Man in Hell' was refused water by Jesus, you are not to allow any water to touch you while you are in the church.
Advice, help and suggestions.
I realize for those of you who are not catholic, discerning the parts of the mass may take some doing. There are six parts to the catholic mass and it is your job to find out which is the offertory of the mass, and the communion of the mass. Most encyclopedias will give a fair description of the six parts to the catholic mass. As to entering a Catholic church, you may use any intrigue or subterfuge: act like a church goer, enlist the aid of others, go with a group, enter the church on a popular religious day such as Christmas or Easter. Sit in the common area with the congregants. In Exercise #1 you are not to receive the communion bread or wine.
Tuesday, October 09, 2001
Heterosexuals only comes about because when the priest in the catholic church cursed me and sent people to stalk me, harass me and cause me trouble, those people were from the church and were composed basically of gay men, homosexuals from within the church and the church clergy. Conversely in my exercise against them the opposite applies. That is, heterosexuals are to enter their church to do the exercise.
I will now bring up a new subject: spiritual phenomena. It is something that is misunderstood. Something that is not very definite or defined and difficult to ascertain. But I will try.
There is a saying 'What goes around comes around.' That sometimes has to do with spiritual phenomena. It means if you do something bad, something bad will happen to you; or, another way, if you do something good, something good will happen to you. Why spiritual phenomena is misunderstood is mainly because of the 'time' element. The cause and effect can take place quickly, say a matter of days or perhaps weeks, but; it could also take place very slowly, in a matter of months or even years. By that time, the cause and effect seem unrelated, but it is not. Spiritual phenomena is not constrained by the time element.
In some religions there are prayers to say, fasting, meditation and works that one may do. It is those actions that a person does, and then hopes for a favorable result. Usually the person is seeking spiritual help. Help from God, help from a dead saint maybe or some other spiritual entity. When the result of the prayers or fasting or sacrifice happens, it usually happens via spiritual phenomena.
Now I am going to offer you an opportunity that encompasses spiritual phenomena. There are two exercises - you may call them works or actions - that you may choose to do. Each exercise will bring about a result of spiritual phenomena. And that resulting spiritual phenomena will be in the form of a reward which is "Center Stage".
In Exercise #1 the pose is that of "The Man in Hell' you are exemplifying the 'Man in Hell'. And because the 'Man in Hell' was refused water by Jesus, you are not to allow any water to touch you while you are in the church.
Advice, help and suggestions.
I realize for those of you who are not catholic, discerning the parts of the mass may take some doing. There are six parts to the catholic mass and it is your job to find out which is the offertory of the mass, and the communion of the mass. Most encyclopedias will give a fair description of the six parts to the catholic mass. As to entering a Catholic church, you may use any intrigue or subterfuge: act like a church goer, enlist the aid of others, go with a group, enter the church on a popular religious day such as Christmas or Easter. Sit in the common area with the congregants. In Exercise #1 you are not to receive the communion bread or wine.
Tuesday, October 09, 2001
How to attain Center Stage: Exercise #2
Once again, this way to gain "Center Stage" is through paranormal channels, also called spiritual phenomena.
Exercise #2
Requirements: Again, heterosexuals only. And, you are to be a nonbeliever, that is, one who doesn't believe in the transubstantiation which is the communion bread changing into the body and blood of Jesus.
You are to go inside a roman catholic church. During the communion of the mass you are to receive the consecrated bread from the officiating priest, cleric, lay person, or whoever is giving the bread. You are to appear as if you are receiving the communion bread, but don't eat the bread. Instead, you are to put the wafer bread into a handkerchief and put it in your pocket. At the end of the mass you are to go home, take the bread and handkerchief and place it into a bowl. Leave it there for three full days and nights. On the fourth day you are to take the bread, grate it or break it into small pieces and mix it in a cake recipe. Bake the cake bread mixture into a small cake and eat it. Don't drink water or wine while eating the cake, and eat alone for that one serving.
Those are the basic steps. The following are some explanations and helpful suggestions. The three full days the bread is to be in a bowl corresponds to the time Jesus was on the cross of Calvary. The bread does not change into the body or blood of Christ, so after three full days you proceed to make the bread into a cake. In gaining admittance to the church, use whatever means possible, use any subterfuge, any ploy. Do whatever is necessary to obtain the bread. Placing the bread into your handkerchief and then into your pocket may take some slight-of-hand, but on a busy church day like Christmas or Easter all of the congregants are usually not regular churchgoers and you may slip into and out of the crowd.
You may bake a small cake, a cupcake, a pancake, whatever you wish, with the ground up Eucharistic bread in it. Eat the cake in one sitting. No one is to be present in the room or at the table when you are eating the cake and do not drink wine or water when eating the cake. The reason to be alone is you don't want to share the reward with anyone else. The following is to be your reward.
The Reward
The second reward is similar to the first. You will be offered "Center Stage"; and, you should be paid. The payment is optional, you may take it or not. You are to have "Center Stage" with or without others upon the same stage. There may be one, a hundred, or many more, but only you will have the center. If you are to be paid, it should not be more than scale. When those conditions are met, the reward is complete. Allow the some time to receive the reward.
More explanation; the two exercises and the subsequent reward are in the realm of spiritual phenomena. It was from the church that difficulties and sacrifice were imposed upon my life. Had I accepted the imposed difficulties and sacrifices it would have been to the greater glory of the church, but by me not accepting the imposition upon my personal life and going against the direction of the priest who cursed me it is against the church, and upon that I choose to make this offer. You may accept to do the exercises and gain the reward of Center Stage or you may not. That is your choice.
Exercise #2
Requirements: Again, heterosexuals only. And, you are to be a nonbeliever, that is, one who doesn't believe in the transubstantiation which is the communion bread changing into the body and blood of Jesus.
You are to go inside a roman catholic church. During the communion of the mass you are to receive the consecrated bread from the officiating priest, cleric, lay person, or whoever is giving the bread. You are to appear as if you are receiving the communion bread, but don't eat the bread. Instead, you are to put the wafer bread into a handkerchief and put it in your pocket. At the end of the mass you are to go home, take the bread and handkerchief and place it into a bowl. Leave it there for three full days and nights. On the fourth day you are to take the bread, grate it or break it into small pieces and mix it in a cake recipe. Bake the cake bread mixture into a small cake and eat it. Don't drink water or wine while eating the cake, and eat alone for that one serving.
Those are the basic steps. The following are some explanations and helpful suggestions. The three full days the bread is to be in a bowl corresponds to the time Jesus was on the cross of Calvary. The bread does not change into the body or blood of Christ, so after three full days you proceed to make the bread into a cake. In gaining admittance to the church, use whatever means possible, use any subterfuge, any ploy. Do whatever is necessary to obtain the bread. Placing the bread into your handkerchief and then into your pocket may take some slight-of-hand, but on a busy church day like Christmas or Easter all of the congregants are usually not regular churchgoers and you may slip into and out of the crowd.
You may bake a small cake, a cupcake, a pancake, whatever you wish, with the ground up Eucharistic bread in it. Eat the cake in one sitting. No one is to be present in the room or at the table when you are eating the cake and do not drink wine or water when eating the cake. The reason to be alone is you don't want to share the reward with anyone else. The following is to be your reward.
The Reward
The second reward is similar to the first. You will be offered "Center Stage"; and, you should be paid. The payment is optional, you may take it or not. You are to have "Center Stage" with or without others upon the same stage. There may be one, a hundred, or many more, but only you will have the center. If you are to be paid, it should not be more than scale. When those conditions are met, the reward is complete. Allow the some time to receive the reward.
More explanation; the two exercises and the subsequent reward are in the realm of spiritual phenomena. It was from the church that difficulties and sacrifice were imposed upon my life. Had I accepted the imposed difficulties and sacrifices it would have been to the greater glory of the church, but by me not accepting the imposition upon my personal life and going against the direction of the priest who cursed me it is against the church, and upon that I choose to make this offer. You may accept to do the exercises and gain the reward of Center Stage or you may not. That is your choice.